Bibliografía de referencia
Aquí podrá s leer referencias bibliográficas de interés sobre la investigación más reciente en Felicidad: 1. Collier R. Physicianhealth: beyondwellness to happiness. CMAJ [Internet]. 2017 Oct 2 [cited 2018 Jan 18];189(39):E1242–3. Availablefrom: 2. Mitchell L, Frank MR, Harris KD, Dodds PS, Danforth CM. TheGeography of Happiness: Connecting Twitter Sentiment and Expression, Demographics, and ObjectiveCharacteristics of Place. Sánchez A, editor. PLoSOne [Internet]. 2013 May 29 [cited 2018 Jan 18];8(5):e64417. Availablefrom: 3. Catalino LI, Algoe SB, Fredrickson BL. Prioritizingpositivity: Aneffectiveapproach to pursuinghappiness? Emotion [Internet]. 2014 Dec [cited 2018 Jan 18];14(6):1155–61. Availablefrom: 4. Ford BQ, Mauss IB, Gruber J. Valuinghappinessisassociatedwith bipolar disorder. Emotion [Int...